Thursday, December 27, 2007

the end.

hey. mann it's been too long.
come to the end of the year and i find myself not knowing what to say.
we need to find a date to meet up, and catch up on one another.
we need to resume 19th prayer.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's been a long time...

I forgot the user id...

I forgot the password...

That shows how long I've been away...

I stared at the screen, almost blankly....closed my eyes for a short while...they seem to come back...

The scenes...the photos...the laughters...the joy of being with friends, not just any friend, but 3 very special friends...the tune to our favorite song...

I remember the user id, I remember the password...

But more importantly, I remember the words of Pea as we left the Philippines "Let's not just leave with emotions, but with concrete lessons".... ....

Dear friends, it's indeed been a very long time we have met (other than Rachel's sms and Dennis call in the middle of my night call)...I've been well, been thru different phases of my course that has indeed left me thinking bout many matters of life, bout being a doc...the expectations and fears...It's been very tiring, the work and the struggles...but God's grace is indeed sufficient and His mercies beyond imagination...

Through these period of time, the Lord has challenged much of my fundimentals as a Christian, many assumptions I never wanted to face...situtations force me to face them...Haha, it's almost like the repercussions of MEET, the aftermath of that faith shaking experience...I won't say it's exactly enjoyable, but it has left me seeing the world in a different light...prayerful, in the eyes of Jesus Christ...

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. - Rom 8:28-30

Going thru such struggles almost seems like walking thru the Spiritual valley...there are times I wonder if I was a Christian. There were times I held onto a thin line of pure believe that I'm a son of God...Going thru such struggles, I wonder how can I share God's love with others, how can lead other bro n sis...I find ways to "get back the feeling", read the Bible more, pray more, listen to more Christian songs...but sth was still soul feels empty...

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, [Jesus] said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." - Mark 6:31

The emptiness that only God can fill...He has left it empty for Himself...there was nothing I could do by my own strength, but only thru Him and in Him can I find the strength to carry on. In extreme shag-ness, i knelt in church, in the stillness of the service, I found myself calling out "Father, I am so useless, can't do me Lord, for I am Yours"....A cry of desperation, a cry for hope, and I could feel His presence, His Joy and His Comfort...He is my comforter and strength!!!! Praise His name!!!

I'm still on the journey of learning to humble myself, a journey began long ago, intensified in MEET...a journey I found myself crumbling before the throne of the Almighty...

Dear frenz on this jouurney with me, I thank you for your many encouragements and reminder of who I am, of who God is...I pray that this Christmas, you too would receive the special gift God has prepared for us, His Salvation and His Love...May the Love, Joy and Peace of our Lord be with you and your families.

Take care and God Bless

In Christ, Eugene

Thursday, November 15, 2007

restrain me

Somewhere on facebook is a certain wall post which reads, "... are you staying a little longer to get pictures?i m thinking of staying till the 22nd or 23rd and going tothe slums/squatter like places to get a few shots;it'll be really interesting!"

and it's a furious trembling inside.

So you're going to the philippines to participate in their ultimate frisbee tournament. But "the slums/ squatter like places" are .not. bits of tin and wood tacked together for you to take pictures of.
These sites of depravation and poverty are .not. your camera's playground to whore out.
These spaces where mothers and fathers despair of earning even a pittance are .not. for your whim and fancy to "get a few shots"
to upload into your flicker account to show off your photography skills.

They are not. exotic lesser humans whose homes you can vouyuer. snoop around with the 18-200 VR you borrowed. Their lives are not for you to romanticise into blank-and-white stills or monochromes.

They don't choose to live in a slum. They don't decide that the best they can afford will be corragated iron situation beside a river of filth. They aren't living in rickety structures that might collapse soon for want of a few pesos for you with the 18-200 VR. No, not you.

These are homes of pain borne out of man's corruption and they are real. They suffer because of corpulent, abhorrent government officials who siphon money. These are actual families and they are real. Mothers who borrow desperately to make ends meet, fathers who drink and gamble, wide-eyed children in rags- Because of man's evil and not placed there for you to take artistic photos.

Are you going to change their lives?
Are you taking "a few shots" to champion their cause?
Are you doing this because you plan to make a difference?

"i m thinking of staying till the 22nd or 23rd and going tothe slums/squatter like places to get a few shots;it'll be really interesting!"

Sunday, November 4, 2007


it wasn't rachel who washed her hair with facial soap, by the way.

Friday, October 12, 2007


yay. i like seeing everybody again :)

i am thinking all that has been heard the past three nights is much worth thinking about.
i begin to wonder about communism.

anyhow. i so smart i tried to wash my hair with facial soap. things the muddled brain does.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

decidedly happy.

hello. shieng say nobody writes anymore.

today i realised how we need to thank God, for Him in life. if we really think abt it, He has guarded our paths and there is really nothing that lies outside His giving to us.

yea, so thank God for reminders of Him. it is a challenge to keep getting closer to Him and the mission field, and time is catching up on us so fast. soon we need to think about yet another step.

anyhow. its gonna be the 19th again. and the next ft is next next tuesday the 16th i think. so we can either meet then or set another date.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

only because

the atl ordered a post out of me. I know it's neither an intellectual post nor missionary focussed nor even related to the team; it's just a rambling of sorts. Really. anyway it's past midnight I want to sleep.

on wednesday

I'm sitting in el class [the better one, at least] and without warning my mind suddenly transmits a different vision- and just as abruptly back to the present again. I was a little dazed- as dazed as one can be while feeling sleepy and not/concentrating at the same time. Then for some reason the place my memory plonked me into for the timebreath of a second became important, and I rewound the reel. to realise that my brain had brought me back to a surroundings of whitewashed houses with the afternoon sun upon their walls. I know the memory. I was in the philippines, and we had just come down from the mountains. We had crossed a dammed river to get to those houses [there was a dam on the river- nothing else], so that our sandals were soaked and I was exhilarated at the mini adventure we'd just gone through.

These days then I think back on the philippines it seems my memories are somewhat sepia singed, a sense of an exotic adventure. Walking along slums along streets hitching rides bouncing on the jeepneys unique to that land. Has my reality been lost.

Another note- more to keep myself awake than anything. Last night when a dear friend said "thanks for missing me" I knew exactly what he meants. You're precious to me and I to you, but it takes a certain effort to step out and say it. for me anyway. Most times I'd rather send mental emails to someone I miss and want to be with, useless because mental telepathy works only when God does it. Still, I'd rather do that because I find it hard to make myself vulnerable.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Wednesday, August 1, 2007



But most times, we see creation and mission through tinted lenses.

How do we come under God's scrutiny and refinement,
so we see things in its pristine form?

Then run.

And finish the race for His glory.

Mission exists because our God is a missionary God who sends His people to be a blessing to all mankind.

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."

Luke 10:21-22

Christ had a profound sense of mission grounded in the assurance of a relationship with God as loving Father, and such assurance comes with joy from the Holy Spirit.


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dear all who are reading this,

As of 1 Aug 2007, 2 of our brothers serving the Lord in Afghanistan have been brutally murdered by their Taliban captives.

Please join in in prayer for the rest of the survivors, that our Lord would protect them, comfort them and rescue them from the hands of the captives. Pray for the negotiators to have wisdom in speaking, that they might come to a quick agreement. Pray for the families of our Koreans brothers and sisters, that in this time of devestation, they would put their trust in the Lord. May the Lord send forth His comfort and peace to the families, especially of the 2 brothers.

Pray for the Taliban that the Lord will touch their hearts and send forth salvation amongst them. May the Spirit change their hearts, fill them with the love of God and convict them of their sins. May our brothers and sisters shine for the Lord even in the looming darkness, to show the love of our Lord. I am so reminded of Paul, how he could still praise the Lord and testify His love despite being in chains...

Father, in your time, by your way, rescue our brothers and sisters from the peril, comfort them in this time of devestation, encourage their faith in you, knowing that You would never leave them nor forsake them. We also ask You save the lost Taliban fighters from the darkness, to see the love of our brothers and sisters and know that You are the God of Love. In Christ's most precious name. Amen

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Testify to Love

A quick video I did for my sunday school presentation :) Enjoy!!!

Father, may we live to testify your love, especially in the silences, where we will shine for you thru our actions...Help us not forget our oath before You, and may your guiding light be with us always to teach, discipline and guide us...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I want to hear the Voice of Truth!!!

A song to remember our wailing cow as he sings across the seas not too far from us...

For me, this song speaks a reminder and a prayer, to pray that I would be sensitive to the Lord's voice, to hear and follow after His truth!!! Finding myself straying dangerously away from Him, being too caught up by tiredness, business and complexity of life...Lord, be my voice of truth and guide me to where You want me to go.

Voice of Truth
Oh,what I would do
To have the kind of faith it takes
To climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
Into the realm of the unknown
Where Jesus is,
And he's holding out his hand

But the waves are calling out my name
and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
time and time again
"Boy, you'll never win,
you'll never win."

but the voice of truth tells me a different story
the voice of truth says "do not be afraid!"
and the voice of truth says "this is for my glory"
out of all the voices calling out to me
i will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

Oh, what I would do
to have the kind of strength it takes
To stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound
of a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand

But the giant's calling out
my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times
I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
time and time again
"Boy you'll never win,
you'll never win."

but the stone was just the right size
to put the giant on the ground
and the waves they don't seem so high
from on top of them looking down
i will soar with the wings of eagles
when i stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
singing over me

But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says do not be afraid
And the voice of truth says this is for my glory
Out of all the voices calling out to me (calling out to me)
I will choose to listen and believe
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

I will listen and believe...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

mmm. Or, trust me on the sunscreen.

To the next treasurer of G3:

This post is for you. And for me too, I suppose. I'm thinking that doing this will be cathartic which, hopefully will prove theraputic.

well. Moving along.
If you're someone to whom being meticulous and really detailed comes naturally, I think you'll suffer a lot less grief. But if you're someone who thinks that 1 + 1 always equals two, and that the equation works because of the mysterious laws of mathematics [which you have no idea about anyway], I suggest you protest violently if you have been made treasurer. Because the mysterious laws of mathematics which work pretty well in your textbook, and really well during the Great Singapore Sale, are curiously suspended when it comes to MEET, and probably G3 too. Some things don't change, you know. Let me reiterate. 1 + 1 do not equal 2 when it comes to us treasurers. Somestimes it's 4, most of the times the answer is 1.63845 and even with the best of your knowledge and ability you still have no idea how, or more importantly, how it happened. You see, if you knew how it happened you'd be able to come up with a new mathematical law that explains why 1 + 1 is equal to 1.63845, or some other equally [pun unintended] nonsensical figure. Then your next step to nobel prize fame would be to submit your workings to the nobel prize mathematical committee and please remember me in your acceptance speech.

So point1: Be prepared for the failure of the hitero infalible mathematical laws.

Next. There is no such thing as too detailed. If you are like me, you'd start off thinking that whatever money goes in stays in unless needed for team expenses. Simple.


Don't just write down the names of your love gifters, write down whose friends they are. For example [we always need examples, don't we.] if Arvin's friend Jino gives the team $29.3421, don't just write down Jino: $29.3241. Write down: Jino, Arvin's frend, $29.3412. Feel free to include his weight height and hair length. Remember, there is no such thing as being too detailed.

Or being careless. If you had been observant enough, you'd have realised that the decimal points for all three figures are different.

Mental sums are painful. Trust me.

Therefore bring a calculator. The buttons you push in handphone calculators are oftentimes too small for a tired, weary, and very stressed treasurer [namely, you] who wants nothing more than teh peng while doing the accounts, and so ends up making more mistakes and after an immeasureable amount of time, wishes heartily to punch a hole in the wall. Teh peng is hard to find in the philippines, by the way. Along with soya bean. I'm convinced Care Channels produces soya bean milk because God loves me and knows how much His tired, weary, and very stressed child can only take.


On another point entirely [and this one to my team mates], I just found out that my roomie has shaved her head in hair for hope 2007. Makes me wish I'd gone ahead [again, no pun intended] too. But no go I guess. My parents would never have allowed it and my brother would've been downright pissed. The former on the basis that the bible calls our [women's] hair a crowning glory. Did I get that right?

So sigh, instead of having a free shave [with all the noble and heroic implications included], I'll be off in a bit to fulfil my appointment with my hairdresser at novena. Oh my poor wallet. Because I suspect I'll be buying his hair products as well.


So, my dear junior treasurers, remember the sunscreen.
Or else cultivate the habit of being meticulously detailed. The chances of finding joy in this characteristic are slim, but at the very least, you save your backside.

much love,

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Time...i need time

Wah!!!! Whoever who guessed whoever is very observant...unlike me, only observe the nice nice veins...haha...meeting everyone, being together with my beloved team mates, it's really great!!!! Boy am I blessed to be among such an excellent being in the animal farm eh :)

Was a like upset thou when I realised that the rest of them have been meeting up so much more often when I didn't's like the kind of left out...but yet, I'm so thankful that they have not informed me knowing how busy I am...Time, boy I do wish I could split myself up, to spend time with so many other people and yet study...guess it's everybody's wish...

Den den made a statement that quite touched me "We just got to accept the fact that you (me) don't have the time to join us"...
1) my teammates haven't forgotten me, otherwise there won't be any fact to accept
2) they love me for who I am...was still worried that when sch start, we'll not be able to meet up and thus lose touch...but we'll still miss each other in our hearts, pray n encourage each other

We're going to Pea's church tmr...yes, meeting up again :)

To my dearest teammates, thanks for accepting me for who I am, thou so often I'm late, being the limiting factor in gatherings, making MedFac jokes...thanks for all the love you guys have showered b4, during n even after the trip...for all the little words of encouragements and actions of love...for making me feel accepted and loved...I love you all!!! (esp my Bakla :P )

Friday, June 29, 2007

i know...

who uses =) and not :)
who says pea alot
who doesn't know what animal pea is
who forgot to call pea the s---- d----- (even though she really isn't one)

to you: was about to tell you that you owe us a post :)

the long awaited saturday is finally finally here.
i cannot wait to see you all, it has been too long.

can i say it again, that i love you all. and that i thank God for you all.
and yes, we be there for you, always. even when you've walked away, we'll wait for you to walk back.

cat.chicken.turtle and the..... (???) haha.. Pea?

well i guess its not hard to tell who wrote that post. it was a real sweet entry my dear fren.=)

I know on my part that i might not be the kind of person you run straight to to cry or tell your secrets. But one thing for sure is that you can always count on us and know we will be there to help you out even when things seem overwhelming. I am not willing to lose this team we have. i mean it. May we all grow together, knowing God a little better with each passing day, rem the "rifles" story? haha. and not forgettting the tray of eggs that doesnt break easily.

in a few hours time, its gonna be saturday, JM... time to meet my dear team, and to see our dear sups. Hope shieng is back good n well, all energized and ready to share with us as well.

thank God that He provides people, fellow bros n sisters to push one another on. While ppl fail us sometimes, God nv... just a prayer away... never too far off.

* happy guessing who posted this. haha.

Monday, June 25, 2007

you said I love you

I suppose I could write a bit.

If I were to write about my team mates, individually, I suppose the game would be up and you'd know it's me who's writing and I'd rather not.

But I want to say something. that. I love my team mates.
and I know they love me too.

that even though I'm seriously, the least in the team, and so flit-floaty and sometimes it seems all I am is some air-head and so prone to messing it all up [and yes they do get exasperated at me] the thing is that no matter what they might have said or felt or supressed the fact remains that they love me so much
and it shows in their actions they care for me support me when I start wailing over my horrendous incompetency sometimes take over my load no exchanges no sign they take it off my shoulders and carry it-


I guess that's why we choose to meet up again and again. We met someone from macau when we first came back.

Hey you guys are back! When did you touch down!
Err, yesterday?
What? and you all meet up again today already?!
Err haha yeah. and we're meeting again tomorrow.
What?? Siao!

There wasn't really a question, I think. Of not meeting up.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jesus take the Wheel

A very interesting song. A reminder to let God reign in our lives, may He take the wheel and steer our lives...May He be King our lives!!! Don't forget our oath!!!

Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood

She was drivin' last friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Goin' home to see her Momma and her Daddy
With her baby in a back seat
Fifty miles to go and she was runnin' low
On faith and gasoline
It'd been a long hard year

She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was goin' way too fast
Before she knew it she was spinnin on thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was so scared, she threw her hands up in the air

Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
'Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel

It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And that car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the back seat sleepin' like a rock
For the first time in a long time she bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been livin' my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight
(Repeat chorus)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ako'y Binago Niya

A song tat touched our hearts, saved our butts and will sure remind us of our tinky oath!!!! Hope everyone's doing well, eating well, living well...remember, in all things, FOR HIS GREATEST GLORY!!!!!

PS Click the title to download the song :) don't know how to play it yet...

Ako'y Binago Niya

noong una, ang akala ko
ang buhay ko'y di na magbabago
at kahit, ano pang gawin
ako'y bumabalik sa maling gawain...

marami na akong sinubukan
kung sino-sinong nilapitan
nang halos ako ay sumuko na
si hesus ay nakilala...

ang aking buhay ay binago niya
magmula nang ako'y magpasya
sa aking puso'y paghariin siya
anong himala, ako'y nag-iba
kasalanan ko ay pinatawad
ginawang anak niya
sa langit pupunta
o kaybuti ng diyos at ako'y binago niya...

lumipas ang mga taon
lalong naging tapat ang panginoon
sa aking mga pagkukulang
siya ang nagtutuwid sa aking daan...

kung iisispin ko lamang
sa kahapon ko siya ang kulang
sa aking mga kailangan
higit siya sa sino pa man...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Remember the Phirox Oath.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Crash of the Tshirts

HAH!! Here's the video of our dear TL.

I give the endearing title, 'Crash of the Tshirts'.

Any other more witty captions welcomed and i'll make the caption change!

Meanwhile, enjoy!!


Hulloz Hulloz!

Hey all!

Glad to hear you all are alive, well and definitely kicking (and clawing and mauling...).
But staying ALIVE is the desired outcome of this team. For now. =D

Definitely miss ya all and keeping u all in prayer. Just mentioned to Stephen today about the recent blog entry that is totally hilarious! Glad you all have been enjoying yourselves in Philippines, and seeing the Lord's hand in this land. Now i can't wait for all of you to come back and share the many stories and lessons impressed upon your hearts (admirers and proposal stories included)... and heh, maybe another round of games @ Island Creamery!

Priss do take care of yourselves. Maybe eating more baluts would help counter the flu and coughs and fevers and everything else. Heh. Have u all eaten it yet?? And the yummy mangoes and halo-halo? Eat more on my behalf k?

I've been a bummer after you all have left for the Philippines, and even more so now that my counseling assignments and tests are over and done with. =)
Watched Pirates of the Carribean and Shrek 3. Enjoyed the latter more.

Alrighty, continue to enjoy yourselves and learn many more things, think thru missions, social transformation, life transformation... all for His greatest glory!!


Friday, June 1, 2007

the hermit speaks

yoz my fazy wazy darlings in the land of PhiRox...all my bags are packed n I'm ready to go!!!Will be seeing you all in 27h!!! Man, what an excitement awaits!!! Nice to hear that you are all still scratching, screaming n scumbimg...sounds like you're all having great fun!!! Hehe, must apologise for forgetting the blog...memory failing me...maybe I sld just post all my emails here :) okies,I will...later...

Anyway, my report...well...haha...yes, it's true, I'm attached...why, when (when Pearlyn 1st msg me), where, how...I'll keep u in suspense...haha...must tell me what all that secret admirer thingy is about...

Okies, that's from ONEOFTHELAZYBUMSATHOME...see ya all in 26h time...start the count down!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007



we is rachel, pea and denden.

you see we have acquired nicknames already.

rachel would like to report that she was horribly mauled a couple of days ago. BY A SCUM.

dennis would like to say that he was mauled by a cat too.

we have a question.
jing jing?
zhen de ma?

we command you to post.

back on the reports. pea would like to report that
1. she is ready to slack off the job.
2. she doesn't want to go home. [this applies to rachel and denden too, by the way.]
3. God is great.
4. God is good.

dennis says shut up la pearlyn.


pea says that then again, rachel also goes and scratches herself on the same side of the body three tmes a day.
rachel retorts that that isn't the real story. in any case, a certain scum mauled her.

pea says goes back to number 5.

okay. number 5.

pea has forgotten number5.



words are not enough."

denden is amazed at the amount of crap the two of us has come up with.

denden can't shave properly anymore.

denden has said The Bad Word 24 times now.

denden has an admirerrrrrrrr

rachel has admirers tooooo

pea pea got proposed to by a secret admirer.

her letter went like this:
"dear ate pearlyn,

I want to say, that I want you to be my girlfriend. You have a very nice smile. But I am very shy so I will not say who I am. [somethingsomething].



Now rachel's turn.

"dear ate rachel,

When I see you, it was love at first sight. [somethingsomething] When I see you, although I am tired, I am not tired anymore. [somethingsomethingsomething]


There was one more but we can't remember what the second one said.

DENDEN had no love letters, but girls liked talking to him. :D

okayenough. byebye.


PLEASEYOUALLLAZYBUMSATHOME, go update, write or somethimg.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

the under of wear

Look at egbert! So cute. :)

pearlyn's house is tiring. but it has nice pretty bed sheets. and pretty curtains. and jappy pig chen.

we're flying in 24 +12 hours!

pearlyn's house doesn't smell like yummy japanese scum.

it smells like yummy japanese curry.

rachel is going to have indian cusine soon.

rachel feels homey. she doesn't want to go to timbre.

besides, mamboing's to be on wednesday.

pearlyn happily reminds rachel that she has betrayed her and packed already. boo.

rachel says that she'll be bugging pearlyn all day wednesday while she's packing.

pearlyn asks, like how many underwear? she also asks more questions about rachel's underwear. like, are they colourful.

we'll all find out. you want to know, come along. we will be at changi terminal 1, at 6ish.

dear sups,

if we aren't there at six, dennis and eugene will be.

dennis will be there at 550, eugene will be there from wednesday. he does not want to mambo.

dennis was found wandering around the lingerie section of takashimaya on a sunday afternoon. keep the sabbath holy huh, dennis.

oh no we're so nonsense, says one of us, and the other concurs.

no free gift for guessing who said what.

we decline to entertain our readers any further.

if you want, come along. sure very fun one.


we won't charge very much. plus, you will get no food allowance, so you will slim down.

we might treat you to three baluts though. hurhur.

if yr a scum, you get to work out extra. choose between carrying our bags, or us.

coffee club's mudpies are monsterous. and pearlyn's really bad at sissors paper stone. how sad is that.

pearlyn is a pig.

rachel is a bigger pig. [but rachel can't help being taller.]

but everything is dennis' fault.

that's our motto. our second motto.

everything is dennis' fault.

dennis bought 200g of famous amos on sunday. that clears four points. he still has seven points to go. you want to claim? come to the airport. maybe he will buy 7 pints of ice cream. ben and jerry's! :D

mmmmmm. will you miss us?

if you will, hestitate no more. come along!

postscript1: pearlyn renounces her post of tl to EGBERT NALGENE THE SECOND.

postscript2: look at dennis! hahahahahhaha.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

we're leaving soon. sooooooonnnnnnnnn.

Monday, May 7, 2007


got this from my ct's blog. -rach


At times, we experience a blockade in and to, a more satisfying and fulfilling concerns not only those among us who wish to push beyond a vocational void or persons recovering from a loss of self-worth, confidence or despair. It also touches those who walk in search of a deepening spiritual quest.

By impasse I mean that there is no way out, no way around, no rational escape from, what imprisons one, no possibilities in the situation. In a true impasse, every normal of acting is forced to a standstill, and ironically, impasse is experienced not only in the problem itself but also in any solution rationally attempted. Every logical solution remains unsatisfying, at the very least...Any movement out, any next step, is cancelled, and the most dangerous temptation is to give up, to quit, to surrender to cynicism and despair, in the face of disappointment, disenchantment, hopelessness and loss of meaning that encompasses one.

David Tracy: Blessed Rage for Order (1975)

Friday, May 4, 2007


Shieng, you can post.
Log in with my msn address.
Password is " --- --- --- ----, with the exception of Stephen for your sake, not his."
HEEHEE, that phrase is forever enshrined.

And I can't post comments.

Those are the sups, in their true colours. :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

200 pounds beauty

watched this show called 200 pounds beauty. i would say that it is more than just a bimbotic looking typical korean show. well thats just wat i think. but beyond that, it speaks of society's prejudice against the obese people. it speaks of how the obese people have to suffer from low self esteem, marvel at skinny girls or good looking ppl, of looking at dresses and nv being able to fit in, of being only able to admire the person you love from a distance for the fear of being ridiculed. Society has come up with her own definition of beauty, that one must look a certain way in order to being considered as lookable or desirable. i wish to ask what kind of nonsense is that. who on earth determines our worth except the person who is above humans. it sounds ridiculous that fellow humans who are made by God should have the authority to mock and judge one another. my heart realy went out to Kang Hanna, the main character in the show, 200 pounds beauty. it also made me wonder whether the "pretty face, ugly heart" philosophy is true to a certain extent. when a girl is pretty, the guy is attracted... question is... to what?? i sometimes do wish i was less shallow as a guy and to learn to admire a girl for her heart instead.

well yeah, folks, do take some time to catch this show. questions regarding the ugliness of humans, plastic surgery as well as the innate need of each n everyone of us to seek acceptance and love will arise, and do not just cast it aside. Feed your thoughts n think about it.=) cheers.

(nursing a bald patch on my leg... no more hair!!)

Monday, April 30, 2007




ready for collection at Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 1, on the 19th of June, 2007.

Highest bidder wins. Please place your bids now :))

post MEET-ing [tm]

we have come away with several nuggets of wisdom. On knees.

1. Pearlyn says that red knees are sexy.
2. Pearlyn also says that knees turn red when they are shy.
3. Pearlyn told us her knees were red because they were blushing.

more photos please

Oooh look at dennis' shorts. scandalous.

Monday, April 23, 2007

me thoughts and the upcoming escapade

Missions Education & Exposure Training. That what MEET is. 9 month long missions training program under FES. A bunch of enjoyable thought provoking lectures where you won't fall asleep (we hope) and a bunch of everlasting team meetings where you come away saying i don't know. Where you learn to love God for His awesome-ness more, love people more. Where you challenge yourself to go beyond. Where you make friends and new family members. Where you meet a mentor and learn alot, and share alot. And laugh alot. After all that. You go on a month long trip to XXXX land (we go to philippines) and learn how to wring a neck (we hope not). Where you learn to live out the life of Christ, where you learn to love and be patient, and humble as He was. Where you get your perspectives widened. Where you take steps into the unknown, that will shape your life in Christ. Where you tap into the Spirit's power to see you through. Where you see lives marked by Him. Where your heart bows down before God, the Maker of Heaven and earth. Then you come back and pray and talk lots to God.

That is. In Summary. What MEET is.

Now. WRT to sharing Christ. Remember previous post. I asked you all go do homework.
The presence and manner of the messenger must be consonant with the message.

The truth is perhaps that we bring a message of great irony. A message perhaps thwarted by man's wisdom centuries past that we struggle to live it out. Holier than Thou? Uppity? I say. Absolute humility. Been reading Paul's letter to the Corinthians. Where the Gospel message fell this short of being insane. A God who humbled Himself, where everyone wants to be the best. Where great orators are sought after is Paul, a man who declares that he speaks only by God's power and wisdom.
All in all, a misfit.

I kinda think in where we are today. People believe in themselves. Pride is taken in being right and having found the best solution and the best route -hence the holy huddle, and holier-than-thou-thou-and-thou mentality. So. What can we do?

An apology to those we've offended in years past will help. I have realised what a scum I was a few years ago. You know, take that step in living out humility of Christ that the Gospels so depict. It is but one aspect of a multi-myriad-ed world of God's, but it is a step. You never know what that can do.

Post trip time will be time to make ammendments for past errors, where wonderful people fly home for summer hols, from exotic Florence, Michigan, New York, London and Dublin.

It seems MEET teaches you to coin new words too. Or perhaps, it is just the phirocking team that coins words.



Rach, it's Dennis LIN JunXiang.

Yay, one down 4 to go.

Btw. I read something the other day.

"The presence and manner of the messenger must be consonant with the message."

Homework: go think about it.

Hint: It applies to us. Duh. o.0

Hahah. Facebook is FUN!

Hello Cpt. Jack Sparrow and the skeleton sidekick.
Cheerios (they are a cereal, by the way)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

ice cream day

because i'm bored and refuse to study today [tomorrow's soci paper]
here we go. photos!

dennis and pearlyn had the kit kat drumstick. mine was gelare, i think. and pearlyn rocks. :D

dennis doesn't know how to position himself very well in the grand scheme of things

i told you.

Vote pearlyn for miss kitkat drumstick!

Don't say no love. I give mr dennis yeo a solo photo. and no, I don't think he's pointing the rude finger in it. maybe it was taken during one of his but-if-i-eat-ice-cream-i'll-get-fat-and-i-don't-want-to-grow-fat whines. See la eugene. why you study for exams. come with us and share a bit of fame. :D

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I Smell A Jinx

Eh I can't balance T-shirts but I can count k?
Anyway, I unknowingly claimed two blogs cos I unknowingly linked an old account to this one and conveniently forgot that the password is "a--m--a--s---". Tsk, so complicated.

But you all can read the two if you want, in your boredom days. One's just my time time in Thailand, and the other one's dysfunctional that my church cg (and other included individuals) tried to use.

But anyway. Main point is that. I had a nice emo-moment today. I was driving off somewhere from Loyang Point and I thought, "Man, to be young is like the time of your life!" and then I thought "I'm glad I can remember my Creator in the days of my youth." (and you know, have an anchor in life). What better way to spend the time of your life with your Creator. Thought is was a super-cool thought. It's one of those ka-ching moments when you realise once again how cool God is :)

Ecc 12:1 Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, while the evil days do not come, nor the years draw near, when you shall say, I have no pleasure in them.

Ecc 12:11 The words of the wise are like goads; yes, their collected words are like nails driven home; they are given from one Shepherd.

Ecc 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be warned: The making of many books has no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God, and keep His commandments. For this is the whole duty of man.

Ecc 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good, or whether evil.

Being nice makes one healthier. Cheerios mates!

Rachel positively wailing after I made her walk from LT 11 to Eusoff.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


hi. meet miss pearlyn "i-make-rachel-get-down-FIVE-stops-earlier-than-she-has-to-and-WALK" chen. she is also the cannot-balance-rachel's-shirt-orders-TL as evident from the photo. She toppled the whole two stacks okay.


While I, I am nothing but one giant body ache, and a sleepy one at that. Handballed for an hour at ntu today. But then we won, so that [kind of] makes it worthwhile. kind of. Alright. back to soci.

I want teh peng please.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

and I have no pencil lead! even PENCIL LEADS HATE ME sob.

the tragedy of a life shunned by technology.

on a random note, I can't stand how my phone dies punctually by 6 in the afternoon, even when it's always charged at night. My phone has a lifespan of all of... eight hours. How awesome is that.

and then when I was carrying my yet-to-be-named laptop around school a coupe of weeks ago, I somehow cracked its hinges [poor baby] so that now it flops around like a dead fish. sigh. gadgets hate me. guys in pink shirts hate me. ):

and now I have to kian thay. =/

phone/laptop, anyone.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Exodus 12: The Passover

i was reading the chunk on the Passover, the exodus and the crossing of the red sea, i cannot really explain how amazed i am now. i can picture the awesomeness of our Lord in telling Moses and the Israelites all these, that the Egyptians shall tremble at the sight of His works. that they shall noe that He is the Lord. imagine the fear, the look on the face of Pharoah's officers and army, when they see the waves of the Red sea covering over them. imagine the shock that the entire country of Egypt mus have been reeling from when the Lord struck down all their first-borns. What is there to fear if this same God of Israel is the very same God we worship. is there a need for me to say more? Be still. The presence of the Holy one of Israel is all around.

in singapore's oldest church...

.. meet the japanese tourist
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testing testing...

hi. meet our prayer warrior. his name is on his hand.
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