Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Exodus 12: The Passover

i was reading the chunk on the Passover, the exodus and the crossing of the red sea, i cannot really explain how amazed i am now. i can picture the awesomeness of our Lord in telling Moses and the Israelites all these, that the Egyptians shall tremble at the sight of His works. that they shall noe that He is the Lord. imagine the fear, the look on the face of Pharoah's officers and army, when they see the waves of the Red sea covering over them. imagine the shock that the entire country of Egypt mus have been reeling from when the Lord struck down all their first-borns. What is there to fear if this same God of Israel is the very same God we worship. is there a need for me to say more? Be still. The presence of the Holy one of Israel is all around.

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