Monday, June 25, 2007

you said I love you

I suppose I could write a bit.

If I were to write about my team mates, individually, I suppose the game would be up and you'd know it's me who's writing and I'd rather not.

But I want to say something. that. I love my team mates.
and I know they love me too.

that even though I'm seriously, the least in the team, and so flit-floaty and sometimes it seems all I am is some air-head and so prone to messing it all up [and yes they do get exasperated at me] the thing is that no matter what they might have said or felt or supressed the fact remains that they love me so much
and it shows in their actions they care for me support me when I start wailing over my horrendous incompetency sometimes take over my load no exchanges no sign they take it off my shoulders and carry it-


I guess that's why we choose to meet up again and again. We met someone from macau when we first came back.

Hey you guys are back! When did you touch down!
Err, yesterday?
What? and you all meet up again today already?!
Err haha yeah. and we're meeting again tomorrow.
What?? Siao!

There wasn't really a question, I think. Of not meeting up.

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