Sunday, July 1, 2007

mmm. Or, trust me on the sunscreen.

To the next treasurer of G3:

This post is for you. And for me too, I suppose. I'm thinking that doing this will be cathartic which, hopefully will prove theraputic.

well. Moving along.
If you're someone to whom being meticulous and really detailed comes naturally, I think you'll suffer a lot less grief. But if you're someone who thinks that 1 + 1 always equals two, and that the equation works because of the mysterious laws of mathematics [which you have no idea about anyway], I suggest you protest violently if you have been made treasurer. Because the mysterious laws of mathematics which work pretty well in your textbook, and really well during the Great Singapore Sale, are curiously suspended when it comes to MEET, and probably G3 too. Some things don't change, you know. Let me reiterate. 1 + 1 do not equal 2 when it comes to us treasurers. Somestimes it's 4, most of the times the answer is 1.63845 and even with the best of your knowledge and ability you still have no idea how, or more importantly, how it happened. You see, if you knew how it happened you'd be able to come up with a new mathematical law that explains why 1 + 1 is equal to 1.63845, or some other equally [pun unintended] nonsensical figure. Then your next step to nobel prize fame would be to submit your workings to the nobel prize mathematical committee and please remember me in your acceptance speech.

So point1: Be prepared for the failure of the hitero infalible mathematical laws.

Next. There is no such thing as too detailed. If you are like me, you'd start off thinking that whatever money goes in stays in unless needed for team expenses. Simple.


Don't just write down the names of your love gifters, write down whose friends they are. For example [we always need examples, don't we.] if Arvin's friend Jino gives the team $29.3421, don't just write down Jino: $29.3241. Write down: Jino, Arvin's frend, $29.3412. Feel free to include his weight height and hair length. Remember, there is no such thing as being too detailed.

Or being careless. If you had been observant enough, you'd have realised that the decimal points for all three figures are different.

Mental sums are painful. Trust me.

Therefore bring a calculator. The buttons you push in handphone calculators are oftentimes too small for a tired, weary, and very stressed treasurer [namely, you] who wants nothing more than teh peng while doing the accounts, and so ends up making more mistakes and after an immeasureable amount of time, wishes heartily to punch a hole in the wall. Teh peng is hard to find in the philippines, by the way. Along with soya bean. I'm convinced Care Channels produces soya bean milk because God loves me and knows how much His tired, weary, and very stressed child can only take.


On another point entirely [and this one to my team mates], I just found out that my roomie has shaved her head in hair for hope 2007. Makes me wish I'd gone ahead [again, no pun intended] too. But no go I guess. My parents would never have allowed it and my brother would've been downright pissed. The former on the basis that the bible calls our [women's] hair a crowning glory. Did I get that right?

So sigh, instead of having a free shave [with all the noble and heroic implications included], I'll be off in a bit to fulfil my appointment with my hairdresser at novena. Oh my poor wallet. Because I suspect I'll be buying his hair products as well.


So, my dear junior treasurers, remember the sunscreen.
Or else cultivate the habit of being meticulously detailed. The chances of finding joy in this characteristic are slim, but at the very least, you save your backside.

much love,

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