Monday, April 23, 2007

me thoughts and the upcoming escapade

Missions Education & Exposure Training. That what MEET is. 9 month long missions training program under FES. A bunch of enjoyable thought provoking lectures where you won't fall asleep (we hope) and a bunch of everlasting team meetings where you come away saying i don't know. Where you learn to love God for His awesome-ness more, love people more. Where you challenge yourself to go beyond. Where you make friends and new family members. Where you meet a mentor and learn alot, and share alot. And laugh alot. After all that. You go on a month long trip to XXXX land (we go to philippines) and learn how to wring a neck (we hope not). Where you learn to live out the life of Christ, where you learn to love and be patient, and humble as He was. Where you get your perspectives widened. Where you take steps into the unknown, that will shape your life in Christ. Where you tap into the Spirit's power to see you through. Where you see lives marked by Him. Where your heart bows down before God, the Maker of Heaven and earth. Then you come back and pray and talk lots to God.

That is. In Summary. What MEET is.

Now. WRT to sharing Christ. Remember previous post. I asked you all go do homework.
The presence and manner of the messenger must be consonant with the message.

The truth is perhaps that we bring a message of great irony. A message perhaps thwarted by man's wisdom centuries past that we struggle to live it out. Holier than Thou? Uppity? I say. Absolute humility. Been reading Paul's letter to the Corinthians. Where the Gospel message fell this short of being insane. A God who humbled Himself, where everyone wants to be the best. Where great orators are sought after is Paul, a man who declares that he speaks only by God's power and wisdom.
All in all, a misfit.

I kinda think in where we are today. People believe in themselves. Pride is taken in being right and having found the best solution and the best route -hence the holy huddle, and holier-than-thou-thou-and-thou mentality. So. What can we do?

An apology to those we've offended in years past will help. I have realised what a scum I was a few years ago. You know, take that step in living out humility of Christ that the Gospels so depict. It is but one aspect of a multi-myriad-ed world of God's, but it is a step. You never know what that can do.

Post trip time will be time to make ammendments for past errors, where wonderful people fly home for summer hols, from exotic Florence, Michigan, New York, London and Dublin.

It seems MEET teaches you to coin new words too. Or perhaps, it is just the phirocking team that coins words.



shieng said...

Hey team!! haha, it's been fun reading all the blog entries thus far. eh, i can't make any entries officially, so thot i'd leave it under 'comment'. =)

And i MUST say, the pics were HILARIOUS! Esp. those on Pearlyn wif Tshirts, our own Jack sparrow and sidekick, and haha, our Japanese tourist! Miss ya all!!!

Thanks for sharing all the reflections!

phirocker said...

yay we have a loyal reader :D

shieng said...

heh of course loyal lah. =) but i can't leave entries hor? enihow, YAAAYYY!!! papers are over!!