Sunday, January 6, 2008

awesome. i claim first post of the new year.

I read through just about every post we wrote. Tangible shifts, changes in tone, in mood, in frames of minds. We have come from a long time ago.

Remember the days when we were wild and chock full of loud laughter? Where every joke was hilarious, and we couldn't get enough of categorising each statement into Medfac, or science, or Arts. And the arts people could never get a joke wrong. Maybe the fact that we were also the girls had something to do with it.

Remember the camp? Incredibly good memories, incredibly deep ones. The ice was first broken there, we first defined how we saw each other. The repressed onion buried under cement, the cat + girl with both extremes in her + person with many layers, the final of which is a bomb. The singing of christmas carols under the lovely building, the talks and sharings under the long corridors. Do you remember? The night of dancing on the hotel bed. haha. The attempt to cross the river with each other on our backs, pea and I screaming while we desperately hold pinkys while sliding off the guys, denden's heroic boom of LET'S GO PEOPLE. ayy. Some things are worth revisiting.

Remember the fights we happily entered in the philippines itself? Flinging ourselves on denden, jumping away because we knew that if he grabbed our hands we would be helpless and our punishment would be a very painful, red waist. We did a post on it, by the way. It's the only one we wrote while in the philippines, if I got it right. That was the height of our team's abandonment of restraints- agreed? We were like children, trusting each other and loving one another. Even in pain.

Because we cried so much in that house. Seeing arvin's home, seeing ate lennie... Sometimes I didn't understand why I could not stop the tears. One of the girls at bahay na pagasha asked me too. Why do you cry for us? (when you are not from here, that was the implied question.) I couldn't answer. But do you know, when I was in thailand, I learnt a verse: 1st corinthians 12:26-

26: And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.

If there's something I learnt with jarring reality, this would be it. The body of Christ can, and Does feel for each other. Beyond geographical barriers. Or socio-economic backgrounds. Or even.. having a history together. We only knew arvin for a few days, and ate lennie barely hours, but we went on our knees to God all the same.

I look forward to wednesday. We are too special to be just friends.
God made us team mates, to bat for His side.

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